Which of the inert gases can form compounds?

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Q1631. Which of the inert gases can form compounds?
(a) Helium (b) Xenon
(c) Krypton (d) Argon
Ans: (b)
Q1632. Natural rubber is the polymer of :
(a) Isoprene (b) Styrene
(c) Butadiene (d) Ethylene
Ans: (a)
Q1633. An electric iron has a heating element made of :
(a) Copper (b) Tungsten
(c) Nichrome (d) Zinc
Ans: (c)
Q1634. The chief source for the production of nitrogeneous fertilizers is :
(a) Ammonia
(b) Nitric acid
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Nitrogen dioxide
Ans: (a)
Q1635. Bakelite is a copolymer of Phenol and
(a) Formaldehyde
(b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Benzaldehyde
(d) Cinnaldehyde
Ans: (a)
Q1636. The gas used to dilute oxygen for breathing by deep sea divers is:
(a) Neon (b) Argon
(c) Nitrogen (d) Helium
Ans: (d)
Q1637. Which of the following is not a method of preparing oxygen?
(a) Electrolysis of water
(b) Fractional distillation of liquid air
(c) Decomposition of potassium permanganate
(d) Decomposition of manganese dioxide
Ans: (d)
Q1638. Wood spirit is
(a) Methyl alcohol
(b) Ethyl alcohol
(c) Butyl alcohol
(d) Propyl alcohol
Ans: (a)
Q1639. Of the following which one pollutes the air of a big city ?
(a) Copper (b) Chromium
(c) Lead (d) Calcium
Ans: (c)
Q1640. Which of the following causes the rusting of iron?
a. Oxidation
b. Reduction
c. Chemical reaction with oxygen
d. Chemical reaction with CO2
(a) a and b (b) b and c
(c) c and d (d) a and c
Ans: (d)
Q1641. Black lung disease occurs in people working in
(a) Electroplating industry
(b) Organic solvents industry
(c) Paint manufacturing industry
(d) Coal mines
Ans: (d)
Q1642. Milk is
(a) Emulsion (b) Suspension
(c) Foam (d) Gel
Ans: (a)
Q1643. Heavy metal pollution of water is caused by:
(a) Paints
(b) Wood burning
(c) Acid Plants
(d) Domestic sewage
Ans: (a)
Q1644. Brine refers to :
(a) Salt water (b) Sweet water
(c) Pure water (d) Starch water
Ans: (a)
Q1645. The chief source of naphthalene is
(a) Coal-tar (b) Diesel
(c) Charcoal (d) Camphor
Ans: (a)
Q1646. Which of the following imparts a blue colour to glass ?
(a) Cabalt oxide
(b) Copper oxide
(c) Iron oxide
(d) Nickel oxide
Ans: (a)
Q1647. The technique of calculating the age of fossil organisms is
(a) Radiocarbon dating
(b) Electroporation
(c) Counting the annual rings
(d) Micromanipulation
Ans: (a)
Q1648. Sodium vapour lamps glow with yellow colour. This is due to
(a) sublimation of sodium to emit yellow colour
(b) the emission of excess energy absorbed by sodium atoms, in the yellow region of the spectrum
(c) the low ionisation energy of sodium
(d) its ability to absorb all other colours except yellow
Ans: (b)
Q1649. Alcohol prepared by the distillation of wood is :
(a) Propyl alcohol
(b) Methyl alcohol
(c) Ethyl alcohol
(d) Glycerolx
Ans: (b)
Q1650. The liquid waste from kitchens and baths, of residences is known as :
(a) Domestic sewage
(b) Storm water
(c) Sullage (d) Refuse
Ans: (c)
Q1651. Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by
(a) oxides of carbon and nitrogen
(b) oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
(c) oxides of nitrogen and phosphorous
(d) None of these
Ans: (b)
Q1652. Chloroform can be used as
(a) Analgesic (b) Anaesthetic
(c) Antimalarial(d) Antibiotic
Ans: (b)
Q1653. In its reaction with silver nitrate, C2H2 shows
(a) Oxidising property
(b) Reducing property
(c) Basic property
(d) Acidic property
Ans: (d)
Q1654. Synthetic detergents are made from
(a) Sodium stearate
(b) Sodium salt of benzene sulphonic acid
(c) Sodium salt of benzene carboxylic acid
(d) Sodium palmitate
Ans: (b)
Q1655. The chemical used for cloud seeding for artificial rains is
(a) Silver Nitrate
(b) Potassium Bromide
(c) Silver Iodide
(d) Potassium Nitrate
Ans: (c)
Q1656. Which of the following is a method/process of disposing of solid waste which cannot be reused or recycled ?
(a) Landfills
(b) Incineration
(c) Pyrolysis and Gasification
(d) All the above
Ans: (d)
Q1657. Hard water and soft water can be distinguished by using
(a) dilute acid
(b) ordinary soap
(c) detergent
(d) liquid soap
Ans: (c)
Q1658. The unit to measure the flow of water is
(a) Micro Mho (b) Ohm meter
(c) Milli curie (d) Cusecs
Ans: (d)
Q1659. The rusting of iron is a/an
(a) physical change
(b) electrochemical change
(c) electrical change
(d) None of the above
Ans: (b)
Q1660. Which among the following is found in chlorophyll ?
(a) Ca2+ (b) Mg2+
(c) Fe2+ (d) Al3+
Ans: (b)

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